Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Visit to Life Technologies

Life Technologies

In this trip, we were shown how DNA is amplified and analysed in the V & V lab. We were shown various machines such as the core PCR machines and real-time PCR machines, and how these help to amplify DNA by using Polymerase Chain Reaction. In primary school, I had done similar experiments in the school laboratory, but this is the first time where I saw actual experiments done in the real world. I saw how what I learnt in this topic is being executed in machines that are designed by Life Technologies.

In the plant tour, we were shown how employees play a specific part in each process of manufacturing a machine. This reduces the time needed to manufacture a machine and ensures that every part of the machine is of top notch quality. These machines have to be assembled by hand to ensure they are exact and precise, as one can easily cost millions of dollars, and any flaw or oversight in the machines can significantly impact the results of an analysis and can cost someone’s life.

There was also a sharing session with the employees there where they shared their education background, passions and career paths. I enjoyed those sharing sessions as I had firsthand accounts of the engineers and chemists there, and they could provide insights into working in that industry. Miss Wang and her colleagues shared with us the advantages and challenges of collaborating with an international community of scientists, while another employee elaborated on how the company focuses on developing talents in various fields and allowing employees to take up widely unrelated positions.

Overall, I enjoyed the whole trip, especially the hands-on session where we could handle the equipment in the laboratory.

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